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Get Ticket By Ticket ID


The Get Ticket By Ticket ID API allows you to retrieve ticket details for a specific ticket based on the ticket ID. This API provides information about ticket types, ticket prices, ticket availability, and more.

Retrieve Ticket

To retrieve a ticket, you need to send an HTTP POST request to the following endpoint:



Users need to include basic authentication credentials in the request headers.


Username <username>
Password <password>

Code Examples

Below are code examples in different programming languages demonstrating how to retrieve event details using HTTP POST requests.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••'

Example of a successful response

"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 118,
"name": "Regular Tickets",
"price": "KES 100.00",
"description": "These tickets are for all regular attendees. It is limited to just a gate pass only.",
"quantity": 250,
"is_sold_out": 0,
"per_person_limit": 0,
"people_per_ticket": null,
"status": "active",
"messages": null,
"is_private": 0,
"private_token": null,
"sale_start_date": " 10:00:00",
"sale_end_date": " 10:00:00"
"message": "Ticket retrieved successfully."


The Get Ticket By Ticket ID API allows you to retrieve ticket details for a specific ticket based on the ticket ID. This API provides information about ticket types, ticket prices, ticket availability, and more.